Hedge Trimming Info
This page has some random information about hedge trimming that may interest you.
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Why are some hedges nicer than others?
Information on diseases affecting cedars
General information on cedars
Why are some hedges nicer than others?
I, (Mike), have been doing a little experiment over the last 6 years with two different cedars located in my yard. The purpose of the experiment was to determine how much difference does it make if we spend time to trim a hedge well, compared to doing a "quick job".
Cedar A
Every year for the last 6 years I have done a four minute hedge trimming job on this shrub. This picture is taken before trimming this year.
Cedar B
Every year I have done a thorough 15 minute trimming on this shrub. This picture is taken before trimming this year.
There are a few differences I'd like to point out about these shrubs. Notice how the quickly trimmed shrub has become much more unruly than the well trimmed shrub after a year of growth? Also, the first shrub has gotten wider and wider each year. (This shrub was originally smaller than the other one.) Taking the time to trim shrubs properly will help ensure that they do not get out of hand with their growth.
Now let's look at these hedges after trimming:
Cedar A after a 4 minute trim.
Cedar B after a thorough 15 minute trim.
Cedar Diseases
The following link has some information on diseases affecting cedars